DrEasy's Baseball Geek-out!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Playing with Google Fusion Tables

A Jays forum member (named "lalalaprise") at scout.com sent me his spreadsheet of the Jays top 100 prospects (as of 2009), and I used it as an opportunity to play with the recently announced Google Fusion Tables. I'm posting here a visualization I was able to create very quickly. If anyone is interested, let me know what other visualizations you'd like to see, and I'll see what I can do.

This is a pie chart representing the top Jays prospects, per position:

Looks like we need a few more third basemen down in the farm!

Here's one showing the count of prospects per year of birth. Nothing too surprising in this typical bell curve:

Hmmm, looks like Google still needs to figure out a few bugs. Normally, only that red line showing the count should appear on the line chart above, and the x-axis should show the year of birth. That's how it appeared when I create it, but it looks different in this figure. update: the Google guys acknowledged the bug and are working on it. They were very prompt with their response.

Once the place of birth of these prospects is collected, I'll try a visualization on a map! I'll also investigate table merging.

If anyone needs some explanation as to what Google Fusion Tables is, and how to use it, let me know and I'll come up with something.